Cars in front of the W.R. Megaw Motor Co. garage and machine shop, located at 3322 31st St., in 1914. (Greater Vernon Museum and Archives photo #988)

Cars in front of the W.R. Megaw Motor Co. garage and machine shop, located at 3322 31st St., in 1914. (Greater Vernon Museum and Archives photo #988)

This is how Vernon rolled in 1914

Our history in pictures

Can you imagine trying to navigate the slick streets in one of these bad boys?

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Well, that’s how Vernon rolled back in 1914.

The photo shows cars in front of the W.R. Megaw Motor Co. garage and machine shop, located at 3322 31st St.

Thanks to the Greater Vernon Museum and Archives for supplying Our History in Pictures photos, which are featured in every issue of The Morning Star.

READ MORE: Our history in pictures

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