This is why we live here

Dear Sir:

I have never met either David Heinimann, Loans could speed paving, letter to the editor of April 6, 2011 or Mayor Dave Pernarowksi.

Dear Sir:

I have never met either David Heinimann, Loans could speed paving, letter to the editor of April 6, 2011 or Mayor Dave Pernarowksi.

But if the mayor was a banker, he knows that loans cost  extra dollars.

That is why your $25,000 SUV will cost you $37,000 in the long run.

It’s called interest, and it adds 7-15 per cent to the price every year.

Good for the mayor for not spending  money Terrace doesn’t have.

As for Terrace not rating high on the list of places to live, most of that junk is written by big city folk.

They think that a Starrbucks (misspelling intended) on every second corner and having a mall within give minutes drive, is living.

Give me a break!

I’ll take a town where you can pick pussy willows, go snowmobiling or dirt biking.

Or perhaps go fishing, or just relax in your back yard and have it all be possible just 15 minutes from the city center.

By the way, my favourite view of Vancouver is seeing it getting smaller in the rear-view mirror.

Ian Trehearne,

Thornhill B.C.



Terrace Standard