Three strikes and you’re out

This is the third negative review for Taseko Mines Propserity/New Prosperity Mine proposal; 1996, 2010, 2013.


This is the third negative review for Taseko Mines Propserity/New Prosperity Mine proposal; 1996, 2010, 2013.

Three strikes and you’re out!

At Friends of the Nemaiah Valley we are extremely pleased that the independent panel reviewing Taseko’s new Prosperity Mine proposal listened and heard our concerns and came to the conclusion that the mine would have significant adverse environmental effects on water quality and fish, that Fish Lake would die under their plan to mechanically recirculate water forever, and that impacts on the threatened Chilcotin grizzly bear, already suffering from significant adverse cumulative effects, would be exacerbated, and Taseko’s attempts at mitigation would be “challenging”.

We feel further vindicated that the panel finds that impacts on aboriginal rights will be adverse and significant and cannot be mitigated.

This is an area of great cultural significance to First Nations, it is their unceded land, and no such developments should take place without their full consent.

Taseko’s misguided project and crude way of pushing this project must now be relegated to the dustbin of history.

There is no alternative.

David Williams

Executive Director Friends of the Nemaiah Valley

Williams Lake Tribune