A letter writer says King George Boulevard and Highway 10 is a confusing intersection for motorists and needs to be changed.

A letter writer says King George Boulevard and Highway 10 is a confusing intersection for motorists and needs to be changed.

Time to fix dangerous intersection

Re: “Three dead in Highway 10 crash.”

First I would like to convey my very sincere condolences to the friends and families of those who were killed in this senseless car accident (on Aug. 14). It is a tragic loss of life.

When I read this story, it brought back a vivid memory of a car accident I was involved in a couple of years ago in the same location.

I was driving home on Highway 10 with my two young children in the car. There was one car in front of me and as we were getting closer to King George Boulevard, we suddenly saw there was a truck heading straight for us. He must have turned onto Highway 10 and accidently went on the wrong side of the meridian.

We barely had time to stop. The car and truck both skidded to a stop to avoid a head-on collision. I swerved over into the next lane to avoid smashing into the car in front of me, and I side-swiped a large truck.

Thankfully, nobody was injured.  It could have been much worse.

Unfortunately, the person in the car in front of me and the truck that had caused the accident both left the scene. We called the police and reported it, but there was nothing to be done.

I was very upset when I read about this recent accident and wanted to write in because this (Highway 10 and King George Boulevard) is obviously a very dangerous and confusing intersection. The city engineering department needs to take a long look at how they designed the signs, lights, and turning lanes, and then they need to do something to correct it and make it easier for everyone to drive through. It cannot be left the way it is, or there will only continue to be similar accidents, and possibly more loss of life.

H. Brown



Surrey Now Leader