Time to make decision on voting

Brenda enjoys respectful debates

Just about time for us to vote for the provincial election October 24. Some of you I know have already voted by some method of your choice. Good for you. I watched the TV debate and was quite relieved. No rudeness or shouting. No name calling unless it was actually the candidates name like John, Andrew or Sonia. I noticed comments like “I agree.”

Even an apology was forthcoming from John Horgan.

If you were undecided you might just have come away with an answer for your choice. The moderator Sachi Kurl was very good as well. The American debate folks need her on their side.

There was John Horgan-NDP, Sonia Furstenau -Green Party and Andrew Wilkinson- liberal.

READ LAST WEEK’S SPICE OF LIFE: Nasty act ill-informed or racist

It has been said by some that Canadians are too kind and a bit wimpy. I gather we apologize too much. Well, I’m sorry, listening to a respectful, reasonable political discussion was like a breath of fresh air.

Other than the great political debate these past two days have been very good ones reminding me once more why I am so lucky to live here.

Lucky also to have many friends who make sure I can continue to live in my cabin in the woods. Yesterday my snow tires were put on, the chimney was cleaned and I was given some stuff for pain. Haven’t tried that yet.

Today the group who had gathered here for the summer months to have a coffee, goodies and a chat came along to have a good old work-bee. I had the list and so the place was a hive of activity.

Shelter down, plants and pots taken care of, garbage collected. Hoses away and so it went. After an hour my wee place was ready for winter. What did I do? I just shuffled around like a queen bee.

If you are having trouble with the fall clean-up maybe you could collect some folks to come around and do what needs to be done.

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Smithers Interior News