Time to move on

This Oak Bayer has no problem with fawns, does or bucks, but then I don’t have the sort garden that can be decimated by them

Jennie Sutton (letters Feb. 18) is  absolutely right about the apparent imbalance of published  “ayes” and “nays” regarding local deer culling,  so here is my humble contribution, to try and even things out a bit.

This Oak Bayer has no problem with fawns, does or bucks, but then I don’t have the sort garden that can be decimated by one or other of ‘em.  Nor do I own  a car, so there’s no chance that I might have to drive over one, and my dog has never been confronted by any bad-tempered wild animal with horns.  If he were, then my money would be on Rover anyway.

However,  perhaps the banner-waving Bambi brigade and their correspondents might have a valid point about letting nature take its course.

One way they could demonstrate their respect for the health and safety of both man and beast would be by converting their gardens into secure fenced corrals for the quadruped “dark invaders”.   This inconvenience would without doubt, quickly and inevitably lead those participants to the one and only effective resolution ….. venison.  End of story.

We can all then move on to the next sequence of divisive, earth-shattering local events of international concern,  likely to devastate this leafy, sleepy borough.

Derrick Johns


Oak Bay



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