Time to set things right with Coqualeetza

Elders maintained loyalty to their group despite funding loss

I must clarify the statement by Doug Kelly (Agassiz-Harrison Observer, Feb. 22 and Chilliwack Progress, Feb. 19) that the CCEC board’s decision to DISSOLVE the Elders Group was “cold hard economics” by offer the following.  Elders have been without the annual allotment of $4,000.00 and financial contribution for the Cultural Trip many times over the years.  It did not deter the Elders.  They maintained their commitment & loyalty; addressed the many requests and met weekly at their own expense.

I agree that the decision was probably very difficult however, effective communication is a wonderful tool in resolving misunderstandings or disagreements and that didn’t happen in this case.  Two members of the board promised that once the review was completed and changes made to the terms of reference for the Group, a report would be made to the Elders (Tentative date for that was December 2012).  Communication with the board was done through the President of the Coqualeetza Elders Group in keeping with Board Elections of the constitution.

If the underlying problem is nepotism, then it would be advantageous to recall that there were always Elders visiting the CCEC office to be available to the manager of the day, which was great.

Let us pray during this most sacred time of year, decision makers and voters put themselves in the Elders’ situation or think about what their deceased parents/grandparents would prefer.  Set it right!

Siyamtelot (Shirley D. Leon)

Agassiz Observer