To the editor,
Re: Council supports rail trail proposal, Jue 22.
Some people want to see the rail tracks ripped up. Really? With a rapidly growing population (many of whom are seniors) on the Island you want to rip up the train tracks? Where is your foresight?
The Island Highway is already very busy, fast forward that five to 10 years and there will be gridlock. Instead of spending millions on improving the Malahat every year, let’s spend some on the train, fix the tracks and bridges and get a proper commuter train going. (Eventually electric) trains are much more environmentally friendly than cars and can move way more people.
A typical example is the Canada Line in Vancouver. Some people were protesting – who is going to ride a train to the airport? Take a ride on it now and you are lucky to find an empty seat.
If we don’t save the E&N Railway now, we will never get it back.
Ambrose Knobel, Nanaimo
To the editor,
Re: Council supports rail trail proposal, Jue 22.
Cities everywhere are increasing their rail networks. They realize that motor vehicle traffic is terrible for the environment and for air quality, that as we get more and more vehicles traffic will get increasing untenable, and gasoline will only get more expensive. Commuting and delivering freight by rail is far more efficient. But here we want to get rid of the rail link so we can have another walking and biking trail.
A victory for city council – back to the ’50s
E. Pardey, Nanaimo