Trans Mountain twinning still not a done deal

Once you get down to the Lower Mainland, opposition begins to harden

Editor, The Times:

In its May 19 issue the Times carried a write-up with a picture or two. A memorandum of understanding had been reached between Simpcw First Nation and Kinder Morgan. There were smiles and handshakes all around. All is well!

All up and down the North Thompson Valley this scene has been repeated as mayors, councillors, chamber of commerce and other business types line up behind Kinder Morgan. Smiles and handshakes all around.

Now the National Energy Board has approved Kinder Morgan’s application for twinning the Trans Mountain pipeline. What could be better? Sunny skies forever.

I don’t know exactly where the ‘line in the sand’ begins along the Trans Mountain torturous route to the Coast but, once you get down to the Lower Mainland, opposition begins to harden – at the Coast it’s almost unanimous, with mayors like Gregor Robertson and Derek Cavrigan, as well as Aboriginal First Nations and many others completely opposed to the twinning of the Trans Mountain pipeline. They are (and have proved this) willing to put their bodies in front to stop Kinder Morgan!

Respected economist Robyn Allen pointed out some fundamental facts and flaws in this whole twinning Trans Mountain thing.

I quote: In 2010, there were 71 crude tanker arrivals in Vancouver harbour, by 2013 at the height of oil prices the number had fallen to 48, and in 2015, while Trans Mountain was telling the public that 60 tankers a year on average were arriving in Vancouver, the number had actually fallen to half that.

In other words, where’s the beef?

Robyn Allen again: “The NEB does not take even a reasonable degree of due diligence in its rush to approve heavy oil pipelines,” – rubber stamp indeed?

Of course the most intelligent thing would be to refine the stuff right here in Canada. However as my waggish friend puts it – don’t expect any intelligence from the oil industry.

A done deal – Trans Mountain twinning?

Maybe not?

Dennis Peacock

Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times