Transformer stomped by ‘young man’

I hope that no one in the Sutherland area was denied medical aid while the power was out.

To the editor:

Were you one of the hundreds of people, young and elderly, who were without electricity on Saturday, July 12? I was witness to the young man who was stomping on the transformer before it “exploded” in a cloud of smoke and scared him away. It was noon hour and I’m sure many were inconvenienced by this young man’s “prank.”

Who pays to repair or replace the transformer? You and I, of course! The damage was done at noon. Twelve hours later – after midnight – there were several men still working at the site. Huge equipment and trucks were deployed. Flagmen/women were required to direct traffic around this portion of the bridge and roadway on Sutherland Avenue.

I wonder how much it cost us to restore the power in this one spot? Will anyone try to find the young man? Will he come forward and admit to this foolhardy behaviour? I believe he was known to others who passed by.

I hope that no one in this area was denied medical aid while the power was out. How to contact emergency care in a crisis? Please help.

M.F. Wort,



Kelowna Capital News