A letter writer complains that a roundabout at 108 Avenue and 158 Street is constantly being damaged by trucks.

A letter writer complains that a roundabout at 108 Avenue and 158 Street is constantly being damaged by trucks.

Trashed roundabout a burden to taxpayers

All the problems come from large semis and the long trailers they haul.

I’m writing in regard to a roundabout installed about three years ago on the corner of 108 Avenue and 158 Street.

Since they put this in, it has been a friggin’ nightmare. All the problems come from large semi-trucks and their long trailers they haul through here. These trucks are not supposed to be coming through here in the first place, but they do so on a daily basis.

These trucks have knocked down a lamp standard, taken out a fire hydrant twice, knocked down all the signs, (almost two to three times a week), destroyed the storm sewer catchments, got stuck on a telephone pole with their trailer nearly taking out all the wiring alongside of the pole, the centre medians have had to be completely removed then reinstalled, and the greenery is destroyed from trucks driving over it.

These are just a few instances through the years. This is a huge cost burden to taxpayers. I would imagine the city has spent tens of thousands of dollars because of the ridiculous roundabout. The city maintenance and landscapers are here almost on a weekly basis doing repairs to the signs, shrubs and greenery on this thing.

I have talked to the city engineers about this and their response is “they’re just small mail and delivery trucks.” I live right on the corner and see these trucks and they’re not small delivery trucks by any means, some have 40- to 60-foot-long trailers.

The city should seriously take a look at some other alternative (a four-way stop perhaps) and help save us taxpayers a lot of money.


Mark Gordichuk, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader