Treatment plant talks are not democratic

Re: Politicos call for study of sewer treatment (News, Oct. 26)

Re: Politicos call for study of sewer treatment (News, Oct. 26)

For quite a long time I have been observing and reading and listening to the debate about the federally mandated on-land sewage treatment plan for Greater Victoria and have noticed that there is varied opinion about this.

City staff have recommended extensive consultation with property owners prior to implementation, which would begin in 2014 at the earliest.

From what I can understand with the previous sentence is that even after consultation the plan will be implemented. This is not consultation and it is obvious that government at municipal, provincial and federal levels have no regard for consultation and truly plan to implement without consent.

What little amount of democracy we have left in this country is quickly being eroded and this is not limited to waste water treatment.

On the subject of sewage treatment, it is unbelievable how gullible our municipal politicians have become and how consistently councils have been eager to ignore science and experts in the field.

What we really need is a federal exemption to mandated  land-based treatment for most areas of Greater Victoria and what we really need are people to say an emphatic “no” to this folly.

Randall Filan




Saanich News