Trudeau must keep his promise

Dear Mr. Trudeau,


Although I didn’t vote for you, I am thankful that we do not have Mr. Harper running the country.

You made many promises during your election campaign that caused a lot of voters, both NDP and Conservatives, to vote for you. I was suspicious about the promises coming from the Liberal party since your predecessors completely reneged on theirs and did the exact opposite on big issues like NAFTA.

Now those of us who are actively involved in political issues like electoral reform, are hoping that this lovely young man named Justin, who seems open-minded and so very different from our former PM Harper, will surely act on the recommendations of the Special Committee on Electoral Reform, since the majority of presentations and experts have recommended some kind of PR be implemented. Academic studies show how PR is a much better system in all areas from economics to social well being of citizens.


How is it that you are wanting to back-peddle on this issue?


It is looking very suspicious that you and your minister are speaking out against this democratic change before the committee has completed its work. WHY? Perhaps you won’t like the idea that you and your party won’t have a majority of the power with only 39% of the vote. That maybe you might have to work with other politicians from other parties for the benefit of the true majority, the voters.

I am asking you to do the right thing and let the committee do its work, transparently and without prejudice, in order to make a recommendation.


Barbara Berger





Comox Valley Record