Trudeau undermining Canadian democracy
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s recent suspension of parliament until September is a revelatory action that clearly delineates his values, or something we could perhaps better describe as a lack of them. The obviously shameful deal he made with Jagmeet Singh’s NDP in exchange for a paltry bone thrown to Canadian workers, shows how the two parties are now in a symbiotic mutual back scratching relationship that all Canadians should recoil from in horror.
We are a nation, and as citizens of a once great democratic nation that can be so again, we deserve to be properly governed, albeit ingeniously or conditionally, by a functioning parliament. Mr. Trudeau doesn’t seem to agree or care if the tradition of parliamentary debate is honoured or, indeed, if we have a parliament at all. For the past 50 days or so we have been effectively functioning without a government and been subjected to the self styled morning announcements of a man who, not so long ago, admired another country’s “basic dictatorship ” something he referred to as an admirable way to “get the job done.”
Are we to infer from this then, that he now considers the Canadian parliament superfluous to the nation’s well being? Let’s hope not, because however much he might have admired the efficient dictatorial stylings of that other nation he and his father seemed to mutually admire, we are Canadians, this is Canada, and a functioning democratic government is essential to our way of life. Can someone please pass that message on to Mr. Trudeau?
Perry Foster