Trump failing both internationally and domestically

Trump was elected on fixing the U.S. deficit, but it has ballooned since he took office

Trump failing both internationally and domestically

Trump failing both internationally and domestically

I am not sure if I should direct this comment to Ian Purcell who thinks “Trump is a real man who is fixing the U.S.” (Citizen, July 27) or Mr. Purcell’s teachers who failed to educate him.

Simple things seem to elude him, such as if he is re-elected, he does not change into a different person, but remains the 45th president. Also a simple concept relates to the concept of working hard, Little Donnie has spent more time on the golf course than any other president before him. He could use this time much better were he to read some of his presidential briefs, or any of the other copious amounts of information that is available to him.

He thinks of himself as the great negotiator, but so far, he has been made a fool of by Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un and Stormy Daniels to name only a few.

Trump was elected on the platform of fixing the U.S. deficit, but it has ballooned since he took office, largely due to ridiculous spending, tax cuts for the rich and he hasn’t even started building the useless wall yet. His trade policies have given the lead in solar and renewable energy development to other countries and started a trade war that will benefit no one.

His visits to other countries have shown both how despised he is in the rest of the world, and his total lack of understanding of diplomatic protocol, or just basic good manners.

His domestic policies have taken basic health care away from millions of Americans, destroyed the lives of families that have lived in the country for years, and encouraged the unprecedented growth in racist attitudes and behaviours.

The reference to the tyranny of socialism only confirms Mr. Purcell’s poor understanding or either tyranny or socialism, (but probably both). The UN lists of the top 10 happiest countries in the world and best quality of life contains only socialist countries. The U.S. is conspicuous by its absence from the top 10 lists and has been sliding since Trump took office.

In summary, there is no doubt that the man is a buffoon.

Dave Hill


Cowichan Valley Citizen