Re: Canada Day Cleanup is Commendable (Letters, July 6).
I enjoyed the stage music for five hours on Canada Day at the Parksville Community Park. I had a clear view of one of the portable oil drums used as a temporary garbage can.
The problem is, Canadians have become so used to sorting their garbage into waste and recyclables that almost every person hesitated to place their recyclable water and pop bottles into the garbage. People started placing their recyclables at the foot of the drum.
I would suggest that the city place two drums beside each other with the words “Waste” and “Recyclables” painted in white paint on the side. This would eliminate the unsightly recyclables around the base of the drum. Maybe even approach the local banks to purchase the four-bin waste units they provided for a city park in London Ont.
Very efficient. These could be located in permanent spots.
Janice Azotini