Understanding history, challenging ideas important
Now that I have finished weeding the garden, I can turn to less important tasks like asking how Ms. Moen could be offended by my quip about how perhaps the water should be tested, if she read the letter from that unfortunate writer who has fallen down a very deep rabbit hole of conspiracy theories.
How would I go about politely debating anyone that keeps talking about things that they know little to nothing about other than distorting history and social movements to fit their own political agenda whatever the heck they might be? I haven’t got that much patience to waste time debating some of the social conservatives and libertarians that have shown up, including Ms. Moen.
If I cause offense, won’t offer any apologies, as there are times when it is right to offend people and their ideas. I am nothing if not politically incorrect on a whole range of subjects as sacred bovines need to be roasted wherever they exist.
I provide background which undercut their arguments and to do that I use sarcasm and dry wit which gets my points across in a way that is both informative and hopefully, to most readers, in an entertaining way.
Humour is always the best defence/offence against those whose unfounded and dare I say, distorted views, which if adopted by the majority would turn Canada into the same economic and social cesspool that the U.S. has become through libertarianism and the trickle-down economy.
By the way Ms. Moen, is repeatedly yakking about Venezuela the best you’ve got? Sure, that country has suffered under its current leader, but America was no angel in how it looted that country’s oil wealth. Nor have the trade embargoes done anything except wage war on the civilian population. Much like how American embargoes on Cuba have punished that country for the audacity of overthrowing a corrupt system backed by wealthy American interests like the Dupont family. Venezuela and Cuba didn’t just happen out of the blue.
At least try to pretend to understand the historic reasons for those regime changes, OK?
I will continue to push science over superstition as the basis for my personal moral code. I will push back in my own writing style every time someone touts the American nightmare as a shinning example of how we should abandon the common good and replace it with the survival of the fittest mentality.
Lastly, as a point of fact, I don’t vote NDP. I voted Green provincially since Gordon Campbell turned the Liberal Party of BC into a party of Harperites. But even the Greens have gone too far towards political correctness for me, as have the federal Liberals. I’m a “never social conservative” who wishes in vain for the federal Liberals to return to the saner centre of politics.
I only must support the right of others to voice their opinions even when I disagree strongly with what they have to say. But that doesn’t mean I have to tolerate those opinions for a second without offering my strongly worded sarcastic rebukes as the future of our country is at stake, threatened by ideas that would drag us down to the level of where the U.S. has sunk to, and become a failed state just as America is one step away from becoming.
Robert T. Rock
Mission City