Valdez prompts Enbridge warning

Anyone in favour of the Northern Gateway pipeline should do a bit of research. How about checking out the Exxon Valdez lawsuit history?

Anyone in favour of the Northern Gateway pipeline should do a bit of research.

How about checking out the Exxon Valdez lawsuit history?

This spill was 23 years ago and the various lawsuits still drag on.

Fishermen, cannery workers and others have, in most cases received no compensation at all.

Others have received very tiny settlements.

Some residents, including the former mayor of Cordova, committed suicide because their livelihood had been totally destroyed.

Is Enbridge any more trustworthy than the wonderful people who ruined so much of Prince William Sound?

Do you really think oil company executives care about our welfare?

If you believe they do then check out their treatment of Cordova and Valdez residents.

Do you believe our government is concerned with jobs? They and their rich buddies outsource as many jobs as possible.

If the pipeline is completed and the companies start getting extremely high prices from Chinese oil sales do you thing our own prices won’t rise?

There are oil executives who think we should be paying European prices right now.

The Alaskan oil spill eventually covered 2,100 km of coastline and ruined 28,000 square kilometres of ocean.

Ask the people of Cordova and Valdez what they think now of oil companies and their leaky tankers.

If Harper has his way I shudder for the pathetic future of this beautiful region.

Earle Tupper




Smithers Interior News