Ward continually shows disrespect

Councillor Grant Ward was obviously not listening to the debate at Monday’s council meeting.

Editor: Snoozers or doers? Who gets your vote?

Councillor Grant Ward was obviously not listening to the debate at Monday’s council meeting. He attempted to make his notice of motion to waste more tax dollars on lawyer fees, while the rest of council was discussing the future of grow-op houses.

Mayor Rick Green irritated powerful people when he re-opened the Brownshak debate. His comment that “he was surprised,” when he really wasn’t surprised, has caused him immense grief. He apologized, and that should have been the end of it.

Ward’s notice of motion on Oct. 24 is just a continuation of his negative attitude. Ward voiced his decision not to co-operate with the mayor immediately after the last election and has been true to his word, disrespecting the voice of the electorate.

Mayor Green has been working on vast improvements for the residents of Langley Township and has accomplished most of his election promises.

Just imagine what he could do if he had a council that wasn’t stabbing at his back, or snoozing.


Sue Leyland,


Langley Times