Water conservation

resident wants grey water used to take pressure off of domestic sources

In recognition that water shortages will be an ongoing problem, it is time that city hall revise all new residential building permits to require developers to include their plan for using grey water, i.e. shower, dishwater, etc., on the new property, for flushing toilets and outside use, such as irrigation.

In effect, potable water would only be used for drinking, brushing teeth, showers, washing clothes and dishes, etc.

Most years, there is a water shortage and with Vernon continuing to grow, it will only get worse.

Xeriscaping is not the answer.

What a dull place our city would be without the beautiful trees, shrubs, flowers and crops.

At least this resolution would be the beginning of using our precious water wisely in the future.

Secondly, I recommend that the City of Vernon or public spirited service clubs or community organizations purchase rain barrels and make them available at cost to residents as was done in the past with compost bins.

Claire Wilkins



Vernon Morning Star