Wave for peace

The other day while leaving a parking lot I was startled by the honking of a car horn.

Normally I would go about my daily routine without mentioning the following. However, just the other day while leaving a parking lot I was startled by the honking of a car horn.

This is not the first time this has happen to me, thus this letter, and I am sure it has happen to others as well. Due to this horn blaring I quickly put on my brakes, and luckily no one was behind me. Puzzled I looked around to see if I had done something wrong or was on a collision course with another vehicle, luckily not.  Then I realized that just off to my left was a group of people holding placards with the wording Honk for Peace.

Of course we would all like to see world peace but really is this the way to go about it? The more I thought about this incident the madder I became. Could you imagine some of our more senior drivers hearing horns honking and what their reactions might be.

Instead of doing what I would consider nothing for world peace other than create an annoyance and noise pollution, it’s time to get off a major intersection within our city and be more creative in making others aware of your worldly feelings.

It’s time to cease this type of noise demonstration — maybe change the placards to Wave for Peace or Flash your lights for Peace, so as to not startle other unsuspecting motorist.

Wayne Duke


Parksville Qualicum Beach News