We are still being price-gouged for gas

It seems that the oil companies can rely on how short our memories are

We are still being price-gouged for gas

We are still being price-gouged for gas

Now that gas prices have dropped by a few cents a litre, I am amazed that some people are actually happy and think we are getting a good deal.

The fact is, we are still being price-gouged like never before when you look at the price of a barrel of oil.

It was only a few years ago when gas prices were directly linked to the price of crude oil. I remember quite well when crude was under $100 per barrel and we were paying less than $1 per litre for gas. When crude went above $100 our gas prices followed at about the same ratio of $1/100. Now that crude is at about $60 per barrel, we are paying about $1.50 for gas. I wonder if anyone sees any problem with the inconsistency here.

It seems that the oil companies can rely on how short our memories are and our apathetic attitude when it comes to consumer matters. Unfortunately, we never seem to disappoint them.

K. Beaumont


Cowichan Valley Citizen