We must stand united for human rights! Or divided we shall surely fall
When “the gods” observed the united human race building the tower of Babel in an attempt to reach the heavens, they “confused our speech” and scattered us to the wind. Indeed, “divide and conquer” is a tool of control that has been used for thousands of years.
Today, fear and conflict is still used to divide us; while we bicker amongst ourselves, our hidden rulers steer and control the outcome. But whether it’s politics, race, religion, gender, abortion, gun control or vaccines, I’ve found the latter to be the most contentious issue by far.
Voltaire said, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” Thus, I have come to the conclusion that vaccine makers must be gods. Dare to question the integrity of the wealthiest, most powerful industry on the planet, and the rabid disciples of big pharma will descend upon you like a horde of angry locusts. Asking too many questions could invoke the wrath of the gods themselves.
Now, the basic concept behind immunization seems reasonable enough to me, but can I trust the gods are omni-benevolent? Maybe I don’t know “good science” when I see it, but I’ve read the package inserts and I really don’t want that stuff injected into MY bloodstream. That said, I’m not trying to force my convictions on anyone else. If you want to offer yourself up as a guinea pig, please be my guest.
However, I see no such tolerance practiced by the “angry locusts” with their “horde mentality” who insist we must all convert to their religion. But the truth is, mandatory vaccinations are like nonconsensual sex. Medical rape! With abortion, the politically correct cry is “my body, my choice” but with forced inoculations, you have no choice.
I wonder why those eugenicist reptiles perched atop the pyramid of power are so obsessed about everyone having their shots? Is it to protect us and save lives, as they say, or do they speak with forked tongues? If vaccines really do protect from disease, why are the unvaccinated so feared and hated?
Since ancient times, physicians have followed the Hippocratic oath, to always put the welfare of their patients first. But, at the Nuremburg Military Tribunal following WWII, a Nazi pharmaceutical corporation (which is still in business today) had their fingers slapped for “playing god” with concentration camp prisoners. In response to these war crimes, the Nuremburg Code was created, which established our right to informed consent. Because, millions were tortured and died from medical experimentation, our freedom to accept or refuse treatment was recognized.
As history is about to repeat itself, perhaps we should consider Orwell’s deathbed interview, where he warned “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” Then he looked straight into the camera and said, “Don’t let it happen, It’s up to you.” We must stand united for our human rights, or divided we shall surely fall.
David Work
Lake Cowichan