We must take a stand together


There is a home that has had an addition added on without any building permit being issued and has had no inspections.


There is a home in South Surrey that has had an addition added on without any building permit being issued and has had no inspections.

I have been told by the City of Surrey that a stop-work order has been issued, but work continues as of this afternoon.

Is the building of an addition to a dwelling without a building permit and being built too close to the property line – as well as whatever property owners want to do without the proper approval and building permits – any concern to the residents of Surrey? I believe it is, and it concerns all of us.

We all recently followed the situation regarding the trees being cut down unlawfully in White Rock which resulted in a very minimal fine (Fine ends tree fight, April 5).

It would appear that people can do whatever they want and suffer no real consequences other than paying a small fine. They do things with the full knowledge that they are in breech of the laws and bylaws but do not care. They know that the consequences will be small in nature and is well worth their time and money to just play ignorant.

Is this the message we want to send throughout our community?

Is it not time to send the message that we will no longer tolerate wrongdoings in our communities and we should all stand together to make the rules stand and mean something to all of us?

Ken Watkins, Surrey


Peace Arch News