We need democratic government

Are we so short sighted that we cannot see real threats until our throats are being cut?


Are we so short sighted that we cannot see real threats until our throats are being cut?  Is democracy being replaced by the rise of plutocracy in the last 30 years?  The butcher knives are out.

In a democracy, shouldn’t we all share the costs of civilization justly? Aren’t the many being consumed by the few for pathological pursuit of profit, power, privilege and corporatocracy? Should there be deception by the few to download costs onto the many, creating a “chasm” of income and wealth inequality, education inequality, medical care inequality, political inequality, and social security inequality?

Corporate tax cuts and tax cuts for the richest elite creates social, economic and political inequality while growing debt.  It is about the enrichment of a few with the impoverishment of the many and isn’t sustainable.

We need democratic government clearly in the service of social well-being for everyone everywhere. Not so in a plutocracy whose concern is the well-being of the few power elite and the exploitation of the many non-elite everywhere.

Who is robbing who in the last 30 years?  Social justice isn’t “simply” Robin Hood “robbing” the rich and giving to the poor.  We cannot maintain a democratic civilization for all the people without socially just and adequate taxes.

Turn a blind eye?  Ignore gross social injustice?  Out of sight, out of mind?  Exploitation of the non-elite by the elite or is it the non-elite exploiting the elite?  Who wants to “win” your hearts and minds and for who’s benefit in this election?

Democracy is based on self-evidence that all human beings are created equal.  We should not be forced into a competitive cut-throat anti-social race to become as unequal as possible.

Fundamentally, is it democracy or plutocracy?  For social justice for everyone everywhere, we need to stop anti-social exploitation. Vote for democracy.

Herb Nakada

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune