We need focus on health, not just pharamacare

let's blanket the education system with learning how and why to eat healthy food

We need focus on health, not just pharamacare

We need focus on health, not just pharamacare

I just listened to Mr. Singh’s NDP ideas on having a national pharmacare plan and the endless repetition of “having to look at” rather than “implementing XYZ” ideas for addressing climate change.

Instead of focusing on blanketing everyone with free pills, let’s blanket the education system with learning how and why to eat healthy food; let’s tax junk food through the roof; let’s teach that obesity and diabetic sickness is promoted through the huge quantities of sugar and corn syrup consumed, and that the food we eat and how it is marketed links with global warming. Government needs to support smaller mixed farms growing food that is not laced with pesticide and insecticide which ruin our gut linings — we have to focus on health, not sickness.

“Looking at” all the “little” ideas to stop global warming is not going to help achieve much in the next decade, especially with B.C. going to emit vast amounts of CO2 with its LNG plants!

I feel as though straws are being thrown out to the drowning planet, and we will all be fighting for them as we go down. Our government has to be strong in the face of pressure from corporations which stand to lose profits as we eat healthier, drive less, use renewables; it needs to legislate large print food labels and tax plastics; support technology that improves electric cars and bikes and makes them affordable. And as we now see, government backs corporations regardless of their shady, unlawful dealings.

Floods and fires and sick people with too few doctors are not a pretty option.

P. Foot


Cowichan Valley Citizen