
Wearing a mask can cause problems

Now he has a bacterial infection on his cheek.

Wearing a mask can cause problems

In a recent letter, Henny Dohmeier says, “In operating rooms surgeons and staff all wear a mask. They wear it to prevent wound infections.” It’s true that surgical masks are worn by surgeons to prevent globules of saliva and mucus from dropping into an open wound and causing a bacterial infection. However, any surgeon will tell you that masks do not prevent the spread of viral infection. Furthermore, the globules of phlegm that a sick person coughs up, is dead viral material that your immune system has already dealt with and needs to expel. Live viruses will only be found in microscopic aerosol spray that can easily pass through the openings in a surgical mask. It says right on the box that masks do not protect you from a virus.

Dohmeier says, “your mouth has more germs than any other place in your body,” which is the very reason you should not wear a mask constantly. Masks keep all those germs in a pocket around your nose and mouth like a petri dish, creating the perfect conditions for bacteria to grow. Although there is an exemption for children under 12, my 10-year-old son was wearing a mask in public because he wanted to be like everyone else. Now he has a bacterial infection on his cheek. The health worker that attends to my mother in a senior’s home was off work for several weeks due to a mask infection. A bacterial infection of the lungs can be deadly.

Dohmeier says we do not have a choice because “you do not have the right to cause harm to other people.” But are we presumed guilty before proven innocent? One cannot “cause harm to other people” unless one has first been proven to have a contagious infection, so why are we treating perfectly healthy people as if they were diseased animals?

Dohmeier, like so many people today, seem to be unaware of the lessons that history has taught us. At the end of WWII, The Nuremberg Code was created to protect us from the kind of forced medical experimentation that the Nazis carried out on the prisoners in their concentration camps. The code states: “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.” I’m sorry, but according to international law, we do have a choice. It is called “informed consent.”

Mandatory masking is a violation of the Nuremberg Code and government health authorities know this. That is why they have provided exemptions in their “mandatory” mask bylaw, and why anyone claiming a mask exemption is not required to provide proof. No one, whether they have a medical condition or not, can be forced to accept any kind of medical treatment, even a mask, without their consent. End of story.

David Work

Lake Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen