WEST SHORE LETTERS: Vehicle noise, speed make bad combination

Triangle Mountain area, Jacklin Road trouble spots

Re: Vehicular noisemakers not welcome in city (Letters, June 27)

I would love to answer the question, “If anyone else is bothered by the frequent excessive vehicle noise …”

I most certainly am bothered by the vehicular noise. It is unbelievable.

Besides the deafening noise of these vehicles, I am terribly bothered by the excessive speed people drive down Jacklin Road. Some of these vehicles fly down the very short stretch from Walfred Road (bottom of Triangle Mountain) to Sooke Road at the lights.

I am absolutely amazed they manage a stop at the lights.

I just cringe every time I witness this and pray a child or pet doesn’t dart out at the time – it could be a deadly accident.

I also wonder where is the police enforcement?

Why don’t they, on occasion, do a radar trap on Jacklin Road? They would be surprised how many speeders there are in the area.

Tamara Shiels


Victoria News