What about Muheim?

What about Muheim?

Writer wonders what can be done to help what she sees as a Muheim school in need of upgrading.


After seeing the plans for Walnut Park, my immediate question was, “What about Muheim?”

It’s older than Walnut Park and built on a swamp. No matter how well the interior is cleaned and shined, it still looks old, shabby and outdated. The mould and rodent problems are also a huge health concern.

I thought perhaps Muheim would be closed, and all elementary students accommodated at Walnut Park. Obviously not, if Walnut Park is only able to hold 440 students.

So what are the plans for Muheim? Just a new playground in compensation? Or is it simply the forgotten school on the wrong side of the tracks?

Concerned and curious.

Anne Lauderdale


Smithers Interior News