What are your plans for the B.C. Day long weekend?

What are your plans for the B.C. Day long weekend?


Richie Luoma and Oscar


“We’re heading to my nephew’s wedding in Fort St. James. I’ve never been there before.”

Shaeyenne Dehier


“Enjoying the beautiful, abundant British Columbia. We’ll be staying at our family cabin on Canim Lake.”

Anja Dunk

100 Mile House

“I’ll be working at the Library. I’m the Summer Reading Club Coordinator there. We have a family event this Saturday and next week will be all about space and stars.”

Rod Hennecker and Karen Greenwood

Horse Lake Farm Co-op.

“Today we’re at the Farmers’ Market. This weekend we’re going to be weeding. We’ve been coming to Farmers’ Markets since 1985.”


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