What do YOU think?

Go online to www.westerlynews.ca to answer this week’s poll question: What do you think of 1-in-10 odds that say a megathrust quake causing damage to structures could occur on Vancouver Island within the next half-century?

a) Those aren’t very high odds, and I like it here. Besides, the scientist herself lives on Vancouver Island. Hello, she’s not going anywhere, either. b) I have my earthquake plan in place. We will stick to higher ground.

c) I’m worried. Suddenly I wish I lived in Edmonton.

d) Big-city media makes too much sensationalism over what-if’s. Did you see that zipper headline? I’ll zipper them.

Read The Westerly News next week for results of the online vote. Last week’s results: Asked “How do you feel about the idea of a deer cull in Ucluelet in an effort to keep predators out of town?” 64% said “Good idea, hope the meat’s not waste.” 21% said “Bad idea. What makes a deer’s life worth less than someone else’s? They don’t hurt anyone. And 15% said “The cougars have culled them already.”

Tofino-Ucluelet Westerly News