What will finally be enough to wake up the world to the globalist agenda?
The Jan. 8 editorial started with “Maybe the photos and videos of desperately thirsty and burned koalas in Australia will finally prompt wealthy countries like Canada and Australia to start taking climate change seriously.” Really? It seems that climate change is to blame for everything these days.
But if we listen to the alternative news coming from “the land down under” an even more frightening picture emerges. Apparently, Australian legislators have passed laws that for some years now have forbidden landowners from collecting dead wood, which leaves “ladder fuels” in place just waiting for a spark to ignite them. The traditional practice of controlled burn-offs that were done to prevent such devastating wildfires, has also been banned. It’s almost as though they were setting up the very conditions needed for disaster.
Eight Hercules aircraft specially equipped for firefighting were available in the United States, but Australian authorities were “not convinced it was the best water bomber for Australia’s needs,” so they sat idle while the country burned.
Furthermore, independent researchers who have studied the effects of high altitude stratospheric aerosol injection, otherwise known as “chemtrails,” say that aluminum, barium and strontium is showing up in water and soil samples in many parts of the world. Is it just a coincidence that these three elements are the main ingredients in the common hand-held fireworks known as “sparklers?” In Australia (and also California) eyewitnesses claim the wildfires were so intensely hot and explosive that aluminum tire rims on vehicles had melted. Obviously, not “natural” forest fires.
Could it be that the infernos in Australia, California and the Amazon too, have been helped and hyped to show the rest of the world what happens if you don’t take climate change seriously? It certainly fits nicely with Agenda 21, which UN totalitarians hope to have fully implemented by 2030. The population (what will be left of it) is to be herded into “smart cities” so that the rural areas can be returned to wilderness. Can’t have any country dwellers living off the land, or any of those pesky indigenous folk hampering the extraction of resources, which all come under UN control according to their agenda.
Meanwhile, The complicit media bombards us with photos and videos of burned koalas and sickly polar bears dying from chemical poisoning and continue to blame it all on our carbon footprints. When will people wake up and realize that the globalists have an agenda and will do ANYTHING necessary to fulfill it?
David Work
Lake Cowichan