Where is your business again?

Let's show some pride in where we actually live

It is with disappointment that I see local businesses that really don’t know where they are situated.

For instance, a European food import  business advertises it is located in Coombs, but they’re in Errington. As well, a motorcycle company new this past year to Errington thinks it’s located in Parksville.

Perhaps you may want to check with your local fire department if you are unsure of your address.

May I respectfully suggest that all businesses embrace this community in which you enjoy lower taxes.

Errington is full of people who like to support their community businesses. Like other communities, Errington residents are artists, entrepreneurs, farmers, plumbers, electricians, doctors, teachers and so on. In essence, they are hard working people, and most are proud to call Errington their home.

I hope that you, too, will be proud of this community in which you are situated.

Patti Whittaker



Parksville Qualicum Beach News