Wilderness race back on the shelf

We have not been able to find enough committee members to support the effort required to organize the Wilderness Gateway Relay

Editor, The Times:

The Wilderness Gateway Relay was a relay race starting at Clearwater Lake in Wells Gray Park and ending at Dutch Lake in Clearwater. The last race was run in September of 2002. It was cancelled in 2003 because of the fires and the committee decided to not hold the event again.

Last year, under the banner of the Wells Gray Outdoor Club, another committee was struck with the intention of reviving this popular event. Despite the best efforts of the committee, not enough teams registered for the September 2011 event and it was postponed. It instead was to be held on June 9, 2012.

The organizing committee met last week and has made the difficult decision to not go forward with this event. We have not been able to find enough committee members to support the effort required to organize the relay. We did find enough volunteers for the day of the race. We did find financial support through some sponsors. The team interest seemed to be up for the spring event as well. Unfortunately, without a strong organizing committee it is not possible to pull everything together.

Sam Willan


Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times