Hugs and Slugs

Hugs and Slugs

Winter is just around the corner- it’s time for Hugs & Slugs

Hugs: To Melinda Howard for sharing her cancer story, it was very encouraging. Hugs to everyone who supported her on that journey.

Hugs: To Melinda Howard for sharing her cancer story, it was very encouraging. Hugs to everyone who supported her on that journey.

Slugs: To the person complaining about the burnt out city lights. We have wonderful city staff, you only need to call the engineering department to let them know. (which I have done when I noticed a safety problem)and they often, happily, address the problem in a very timely manner. They cannot be expected to know all, see all, be all.

Slugs: I do not understand how the Mount Baker students think it is okay to hold up traffic between 12 and 1 to go across the road in single file. I have experienced being in a lineup of cars waiting to be able to go through. Maybe the School Board could use crossing guards for the hour. Do the RCMP have to give tickets for this behaviour?

Slugs: Big slugs and a boo to the cat and dog owners that do not supply litter boxes and monitor their animals. It is not your neighbour’s job to care for your cats litter needs. It is beyond gross to find cat poop in your garden and flower beds no matter what you do to keep them out. You are irresponsible and unwanted in our neighbourhoods!

Slugs: To the city animal control officers for not doing their job and dealing with cat litter troubles in Cranbrook. It is disgusting to have our yards filled with cat litter. It is your job to deal with animals at large. Do your job please!

Slugs: To dog owners that walk their dogs without collection bags for their droppings. It is not our jobs to clean up after your dogs. Bring a bag and pick it up!

Hugs: Hugs and thank yous to responsible animal owners. Your love for your animal is shown in the care you give it. Thank you for doing right by your animals and your neighbors.

Hugs: I would like to send a great big hug to the girls working at the new Cranbrook Transfer Recycling area. They are always friendly and very helpful. Seeing a recent post on FB group Cranbrook BC of a lot of people complaining about them really bugs me. They provide us with a service almost everyday of the year. The yards are always clean and the recycling area is well set up and easy to use! We love it! Recycling is now so much better. Hugs again to the girls there working hard so we can recycle responsibly.

Hugs: To Frank Hubick and his excellent roofing crew for their work on our new asphalt shingle roof. We highly recommend Reliable Roofing. Thanks Frank and Crew.

Slugs: To public service employees who forget where their wages come from. A very elderly friend was moving out of province — With the new rules around COVID it made it difficult to get her Drivers Abstract and Claims History information for a smoother transition after her move – Online was not working. She decided to try going to the local office for some assistance and was told that she could not request that information until she was in her new province. WRONG! She was quite upset when she got home — She and I called the 1 800 number at ICBC and got a very nice helpful lady – (HUGS to her) I wish I had gotten her name – Within ten minutes we had received both emails. A little customer service locally would of gone a long way.

Hugs: To Brandi and Yash at the Mobility Shop in Super Store – It is always crazy busy in there. They went the extra mile (11 days of extra miles) when there was a problem with setting up one of our new phones. We appreciate all they did for us and highly recommend them. This is our thirrd pair of phones from Brandi and we will not go anywhere else. Great Promotions – Great Customer Service.

Hugs: A big Hug to the RCMP for stopping speeders at Gyro Park on 7th Ave. S in Cranbrook. It has been long overdue.Thanks guys.

Slugs: To the people driving way over the speed limit down 9th Ave South and double slugs to those people peeling into and out of the driveway of Idlewild park off 9th Ave South. Why isn’t 9th Ave South a park zone?

Hugs: Big hug to Wolfpack Printing for taking my last-minute order Oct. 9. It was greatly appreciated and completed my Thanksgiving gift for my daughter, she loved it. Great customer service.

Hugs: To all the customer service workers at Canadian tire. I have talked with several of you over the past few months and you are the politest and most helpful staff Cdn tire has ever had. Thank you for your constant good service.

Slugs: The slugs against “anti-voters” 2 weeks ago made a lot of sense when it comes to an election during a pandemic, but I was seriously misunderstood, comrade. I do intend to vote, it’s just that elections are supposed to be every four years, the next one barely 7 months from now. That couldn’t wait?

Hugs: To the lady in Safeway on Saturday who paid for my three containers of squash grillers when I had already gone through the cash and realized when I went to put them in my backpack that I hadn’t paid for them as they were in the bottom of my cart and everything else was in the child seat area. I was waiting for her to finish with her groceries and then I was going to get the cashier to ring them in, but the cashier took them and said the lady was paying for them. I will be sure to pay it forward and very soon. Thank you and God Bless.

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Cranbrook Townsman

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