Hugs & Slugs

Winter is just around the corner, so here the latest from Hugs & Slugs

Slugs: Huge slugs to the white Subaru, 9.10am Sunday, Nov 1st for keeping a Click'n Collect slot tied up at Super Store sorting your groceries, while several other vehicles were waiting. When it's that busy pull into a regular parking slot and sort to your heart's content. Be respectful.

Slugs: Huge slugs to the white Subaru, 9.10am Sunday, Nov 1st for keeping a Click’n Collect slot tied up at Super Store sorting your groceries, while several other vehicles were waiting. When it’s that busy pull into a regular parking slot and sort to your heart’s content. Be respectful.

Hugs: BIG hugs to the gentleman with Encore Cooling and Heating, he’s always charming and witty, keeping us hot when its cold and keeping us cool when its hot. “Keep up the good work”

Hugs: To Home Support who looked after our needs following my husband breaking his ankle early part of January and the next day I broke a bone in my foot. We are independent Seniors with a very helpful family, however we needed help with a shower/bath especially. We received the appreciated support and help with care giving for January, February and March. We know there are others in our building receiving faithful care, (in spite of Covid.) Many thanks and apologies for not addressing this sooner.

Hugs: Today while getting gas at Superstore there was a homeless man sitting across the pumps on the curb. In the time it took me to fill up my gas tank, there were two men who came over separately to help him. One gave him a winter coat, the other a bag of food. I was so impressed and proud to live in a community that reaches out to help strangers. My girls and I decided to help too with some food and winter gear. Good job Cranbrook

Hugs: Huge Hugs to the young gentleman who works for Sierra, that was chivalrous enough to offer assistance in lifting a 50 pound bag into our vehicle on Tuesday Nov 3rd. Your kindness was greatly appreciated.

Hugs: Huge hugs to Bev S. for all her many hours and money spent making beautiful poppy masks, filling up cookie tins with delicious delights, pies and many other baking items. She gives 100% of the proceeds from the sale of those masks and treats to the Cranbrook Legion. Bev, you rock and the Legion is very lucky to have you!

Slugs: To a Cranbrook store for their decision not to require masks of all shoppers. Until they choose to do everything possible to stop the spread of covid, including the mandated wearing of masks, I will deal with other outlets who deal more actively and responsibly to slow down/stop the spread of the coronavirus. As a person with health issues, I no longer feel safe shopping at this store.

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