I write these words to you on the last day of 2019. New Years Eve. Earlier I thought I should check a TV channel just so I can get the full flavour of the event.
I looked at the CNN presentation from New York. You know, the Times Square carry-on. Some folks gathered on site at 3:00 in the morning. I am told that once you are penned in a space you must stay there. No chairs, no toilets.
Well now, isn’t this a special time of the year? They lost me at the no bathroom facilities part. Proudly some of the ball waiting youth said they had on their adult diapers just in case! Just in case? Aw come on people.
I worry that the way we begin the new year just might set the tone for the rest of the year. Surely not.
So far, this last day was fine albeit a bit slippery around here. I scattered ashes and salt here and there knowing I could manage if I wore my ice grippers.
I went to the outhouse with my lab, River. We had our visit and I am ready to leave. River slapped his big mouth on the roll of toilet paper and left me empty handed , so to speak. I spoke commands with sweetness and light and soon I was back in business.
Time to go out for coffee. Since it was slippery I took a cat litter bucket filled with ashes and salt. I made it to the coffee shop and I really needed my ashes and salt so I could get out of my car.
There I am walking into the coffee shop wearing my red plaid loggers jacket carrying my bucket. I have an idea some thought it was a purse. I settled myself, noticing soon that I had on two different shoes. Do you think this is how I will look in the new year? I would say so.
Maybe worrying how I end the old year might be better if I were to think about the next year. So for me it is a time to wish certain things for others. I wish for civility in the world and the end to all the hatred.
I wish that climate change changes. I will listen to the words of the scientists and the youth who understand.
I had some more wishes for this new year but just for a moment I felt myself sliding down the slippery slope of negative thoughts.
Those thoughts were just about to include political stuff south of the border so I said to myself “relax” and that is what I do now.
Another cup of tea, groom the cat, have a bit of a snooze, then get ready for fireworks that will frighten the old dogs. I will sit outside with them during the noise, then return to my bed so I can sleep myself to the new morning.
Another wish for this new year is that all of you do the best you can and I hope your memories of years past are a blessing to you..
Call me at 250-846-5095 or email to mallory@bulkley.net.