Wood burning, second-hand smoke negate Terry Fox’s dream

Terry Fox would be pleased that, through his effort, many people worldwide recognized the need for intensive research

Terry Fox would be pleased that, through his effort, many people worldwide recognized the need for intensive research on this dreadful disease.

But would he be so pleased to know that numerous cancer-causing agents still remain in people’s daily lives?

Workplaces and most public places are safer than people’s own neighbourhoods because they are free of secondhand smoke; neighbourhoods are not!

Sadly enough the use of wood-fuelled fireplaces is not yet outlawed – and it should be!

This would provide much cleaner air for people to breathe. It is people’s birthright to breathe clean air, but banning neighbourhood smoke pollution seems to be a political hot potato.

Between wood-smoke and secondhand tobacco smoke – including a few other products which are hazardous to human health – many neighbourhoods in Canada and the rest of the world could truly be considered a deathtrap.

Cancer-enhancing molecules have to be eliminated from our daily lives or cancer will keep remaining everyone’s health threat. And Terry’s, and everyone’s, efforts to help stamp out cancer will be in vain!

Brie Oishi


Salmon Arm Observer