Words in letter to the editor raise suspicions

Motives of Live Langley political group questioned by letter writer Roland Seguin.

Editor: Re: Letter “A platform for change,” from Clint Lee, president, Live Langley (The Times, Nov. 19).

Lee is starting a new political party for the Township called Live Langley Electorate Association,

He attempts to differentiate a political ‘party’ from a political ‘slate,’ and states that a slate is a group who agree to vote together on issues, as opposed to a party who espouses a common ideology or vision. In reality since both intentions are to dominate, there is little difference in their voting patterns.

He states ”We value and encourage independent thought and believe that disparate views and opinions are essential.”

This pretty much describes a council made up of independents, so why go to all the trouble of creating party politics — unless your motives go much deeper?

He states as a “progressive group” they are committed to “progressive values.”  This raises caution flags, as “progressivism” is code in today’s world, associated with the far left political spectrum of socialism leaning toward Marxism. It usually stands for more government control, more restrictive laws and tax-draining bureaucracy, which leads to more loss of property rights and freedoms.

There are “progressive talk” radio shows in neighbouring Washington state that bear this out.

A recent example of “progressivism” is the eccentric Vancouver council and Mayor Moonbeam, who just banned door knobs on private residential houses. They must now have lever handles.

Live Langley’s web site has all the familiar buzz phrases like “common ideology or vision, inclusive, transparent, sustainable, livable, prosperous, innovative, holistic, creative” etc., but their mixed messages have me confused and suspicious.

Roland Seguin,


Langley Times