Writers Need a Dictionary

First of all I’d like to congratulate Thelma Brown for having the good fortune to have lived in Golden for 61 years.

First of all I’d like to congratulate Thelma Brown for having the good fortune to have lived in Golden for 61 years. I’ve been fortunate to have lived here for close to 12 years and certainly have do not have any plans of leaving any time soon… it’s just too beautiful!

Thelma complains in her recent letter that she thought my Letter to the Editor was nasty.

Webster’s Dictionary defines nasty as being disgusting, filthy, physically repugnant, indecent, obscene and morally offensive.

I can’t help but ask myself what did I say in my letter that fits the definition of the word nasty?

It can’t be the fact that I congratulated the citizens of Golden for coming out in increasing numbers to exercise their democratic right to vote in a free and fair election.

I don’t think it can be the fact that I congratulated all five candidates for standing for office and taking part in an exciting and important election.

It certainly can’t be the fact that I congratulated the Connie Barlow and Keith Hern on their election victories.

Surely it’s not the fact that I congratulated the citizens of Golden for rejecting an unnecessary and terribly expensive project by an overwhelming majority (nearly two to one).

Perhaps Thelma thinks it’s nasty because I pointed out that Mayor Benty and Councillors Hambruch, Moss and Pecora were losers in the election process. They have spent tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousand dollars on the B2B project only to see it soundly rejected by the citizens of Golden.

Maybe it’s the fact that I pointed out that Councillor Hambruch not only lost the referendum issue but that the candidate he whole heartily endorsed didn’t even finish in the top three.

My letter merely stated the facts and my commentary is no different than what we all see and hear on radio and television news and political commentary shows every day. Surely if the CBC, CTV, Global and other major broadcasters can make similar political comments we in Golden can do the same.

If Thelma wants to see some truly nasty letters I suggest she ask Mayor Benty or Councillors Hambruch or Moss to show her some of the recent correspondence sent to all of our elected officials by Councillor Pecora.

This correspondence and the attached cartoons from Councillor Pecora about myself and other citizens of Golden truly do fit the definition of the word nasty.

Yours truly

Bob Munro, Golden, B.C.


Golden Star