Youth need say on health care

Reader believes it is important for youth to get involved with health-care discussions

To the editor:

The 2014 Health Accord will have a profound impact on my generation.

The agreement will set out the national plan for our health-care system and shape the very future of Medicare. Youth of today need to be at the table, as these decisions are being made.

British Columbia youth understand the importance of taking care of each other. In my work as a youth educator, I travel across the province and I hear young people saying how much they appreciate our health-care system and view equality and equal access as important Canadian values.

It is vital young people have a voice in determining how we care for each other moving forward.

I’m travelling to Ottawa this month to talk with my MP directly.

I’ll be asking for an accord that meets the future needs of all people in Canada by expanding universal public health-care to include a national Pharmacare program and home and community care services like residential care and home support. These programs will address rising health-care costs and improve the way we care for each other.


Kaitlin Pelletier

Executive director

Check Your Head

100 Mile House Free Press