Tuesday Lunch Bunch 10 Pin Bowling
Leading the second quarter after three weeks are the “Newbies” team of Valerie McDonald, Ken Nagata and Ray Berkenstock.
Individual high scoring scratch game (206) and high scratch and handicap series (596/686) was Mary Berkentock, while handicap high game went to Linda Franz with a 247.Mens high scores in scratch went to Ken McRann with high scratch and handicap game, (185/232) and George Muskovich with high handicap and scratch Series. (487/613). A CTF special awards for a 500 series with a 146 average was earned by Valerie McDonald.
Friday Night Mixed 10 pin League
Leading the men in scoring was Eugene Belanko with high scratch and handicap game (247/292) and high handicap series of 758 while Shane Konkle had high scratch series of 665.
Mary Berkenstock was the female star of the week taking both scratch and handicap game (225/286) and series (615/798). Mary earned the CTF special achievement pin for her first 600 series. The second quarter began with the R’s & M’s taking the lead after the first week with 26 points.
Saturday Youth 10 pin League
Aiden Robertson was most pins over average game for boys with +18 and most over average series with +5 while Devon Rodgers was most over average game for girls with a +63 and most over average series with +85.
There is still time to join the youth league. The youth bowl Saturday mornings and if they can not make it there are opportunities to prebowl during the week. There is a one time fee of $30 for membership to belong to then national bowling organization and cost per week is $10 for bowling and $1 to rent shoes. There is a grace period of three weeks for youth to make a decision whether they want to continue in the league. For information email scubachick.dr@gmail.com.
Tuesday Night Mixed Bowling
The first quarter winners are Spare Talent. Justice League is sharing first place at the start of the second quarter with the Screaming Eagles. Eugene Belanko had the most pins over average in series with a 87 and Lindsay Shann had the woman’s pins over average in series with a 77.
Monday Night Men’s Tenpin
Alley cats were high team this week with 32 point and New Kids remain is first place this quarter.
Team scratch game was Clippers with 863 and scratch series was Clippers with 2188.
Team hdcp game was Clippers with 1042 and hdcp series was Alley cats with 2806.
Individual scratch game was Laurence Renaud with 246 and scratch series was Laurence with 624.
Individual hdcp game was also Laurence with 288 and hdcp series was Larry Seeley with 758.
Most pins over average this week was Dave Thagard with +122