Devon Harach takes over the Alberni Valley Tyee Club leaderboard on Aug. 17 with a 29.7-pound salmon caught near Austin Island, on a green anchovy head in 37 feet of water. Bud Schmidt drops to second place with his 27.4-pounder. FACEBOOK PHOTO

Devon Harach takes over the Alberni Valley Tyee Club leaderboard on Aug. 17 with a 29.7-pound salmon caught near Austin Island, on a green anchovy head in 37 feet of water. Bud Schmidt drops to second place with his 27.4-pounder. FACEBOOK PHOTO

29-pound fish gives youth Alberni Valley Tyee Club lead

Devon Harach knocks Bud Schmidt off the top of the ladder

Devon Harach of Port Alberni can be excused for his sudden love of anchovies.

Harach took over the top spot in the Alberni Valley Tyee Club’s adult leader board after catching a 29.7-pound salmon using a green anchovy head lure, Thursday morning.

Harach’s salmon knocks Bud Schmidt down into second place. Schmidt’s 27.4-pound salmon caught at Lone Tree had dominated the board for a couple of weeks.

READ: Tyee Club season is underway

“I knew mine wouldn’t last long,” Schmidt said in a Facebook comment. “Way to go, Devon. Nice fish.”

Harach was fishing near Austin Island, off of Effingham Island near the Broken Group on the west coast, when he snagged his leading fish at a depth of 37 feet. He also caught a 19.4-lb. salmon on the same trip.

Anyone wanting to get in on the action can pick up a Tyee Club ticket at Gone Fishin’ on Margaret Street at Johnston Road.

Alberni Valley News