The Alberni Golf Club is located on Cherry Creek Road. FILE PHOTO

ALBERNI GOLF: Men’s club gains new members

Next Sunday, June 13 will be the Combination White and Blue event



The weather was a little bit of a deterrent, but there were still 64 players taking part in the four man best ball on Sunday, June 6. Many thanks to Dieverts Roofing for their generosity and support of the Men’s Golf Club.

It’s great to see so many young men coming out for the men’s Sunday morning golf. It’s even nicer to see them in the win column. We had two new members join us on Sunday. It’s good to see Ken Fong back again, and a big welcome to Mike Doucette. That makes 120 members in the Men’s Club.

There was some spectacular golf played in the competition on Sunday. The team of Mike Pichor, Tyler Ruel, Brad Rogers and Cody Breuker emerged the winners coming in with a gross 65. They were followed closely by the foursome of Nolan Ward, Tanner Doucette, Chase Shiner and Ryan Kramer carding 66. Next was the team of Preben Rasmussen, Wayne Johnstone, Joe Henri and Colin Hamilton with 68. Rounding out the gross side with 71 was Sam Parhar, Terry Argotow, Vito Caldarulo and Mel Krasniuk.

On the net side coming through with a 55 was the team of Craig Acland, Steve Acland, Ron Clark and Dave Timmons. Next was the group of Cal Davies, Tyler Ibsen, Reece Bowne and Cliff O’Laney (56), Hank Krahn, John Robbins, Seth Melmock and Terry Ellwood (57) and the team of Steve Pointon, Bill Barrett, Dave Mann and Darren VanDyk (58). Fifth net goes to Fred Fredrickson, Don MacGowan, Glen Trask and Ken Fong (59).

The closest to the pin winners were Colin Hamilton on No. 2, Chase Shiner on No. 4, Seth Melmock on No. 13 and Reece Bowne on No. 17.

Collecting $64 for the charity closest to the pin on No. 7 was Kyle Luchinski. For the only birdie on No. 13, Cory Nielson collects $158.

Next Sunday, June 13 we will be holding the Combination White and Blue event. This event is sponsored by the King Edward Liquor Store. You just play the holes marked on the score card, white and blue tees. The closest to the pin as well as the charity will all be in play. Please book your own time in your own group starting at 7:30 a.m. until 11 a.m.

Alberni Valley News