The Alberni Golf Club is located on Cherry Creek Road. FILE PHOTO

The Alberni Golf Club is located on Cherry Creek Road. FILE PHOTO

ALBERNI GOLF: Van Lent gets hole in one

Next Sunday, Oct. 4 will be the windup for Sunday morning golf for this crazy year of 2020

  • Sep. 30, 2020 12:00 a.m.



Saturday was an exciting day on the golf course for Lee Anne Van Lent, as she scored her very first hole in one on No. 4. Congratulations and way to go Lee Anne!

Another Sunday morning men’s golf event is in the books, with many thanks to Bowerman Excavating Ltd. for their generous contribution to the day. It was an excellent turnout for the alternate shot competition.

First low gross went to the team of Shawn Banman and Sam Parhar with 70. Coming in next with 72 was Chad Wutki and Josh Harvey, beating out Kyle Luchinski and Matt Mesic on a count back.

On the net side, first low net went to the team of, Darrell VanOs and Adam Taylor with 58.5. They were followed, in order of finish, by Jack Sparks and Bill Bjornson (64.5), Chris Owen and Jacque Giovetti (65), Craig Acland and Ron Scholtie (65.5), Steve Pointon and Dave Mann (66), Bill Barrett and Phi Anker (66.5), Tylo Smith and Masami Hirayama (67.5) and Terry Rai and Brandon Wells (67.5).

Draws for sleeves of balls were won by Don Grill, Josh Harvey, Jim Proteau and Darrel VanOs.

Next Sunday, Oct. 4 will be the windup for Sunday morning golf for this crazy year of 2020. This event is sponsored by Island Entertainment Inc. (Rainbow Lanes ). We will be having a four-man, pick-your-own-team scramble with minimum two drives and maximum six drives.

The handicap formula is as follows: take 20 percent of your lowest, 15 percent of your second lowest, 10 percent of your third lowest and five percent of your highest handicap. When these are added up, that is your team handicap.

When you book your time between 8 and 11 a.m., please sign up on the sheet in the Pro Shop with your handicap no later than 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 3. Please sign up in foursomes and make sure you include your handicaps.

The price for this final day will be $15, which includes golf, prizes and a burger with fries and a good time.

Alberni Valley News