Atlantis Taekwondo returns with medals from championships in Saskatoon

Atlantis Taekwondo returns with medals from championships in Saskatoon

This was their last competition of the season

  • May. 31, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Atlantis Taekwondo returned with medals after competing in the International TaekwondoFederation (ITF) Western Championships in Saskatoon, Sask. from May 17 to 18.

The championships had competitors from all across Western Canada take part.

Damian Knox won gold in sparring in his division, Daisy Skog took silver in patterns, Mason MacKay with silver in patterns and bronze in sparring, Peter Clayton with silver in sparring, and Finn McMurray took home bronze in both sparring and patterns.

“[There were] 300 competitors, it’s good to have them push forward to these goals and achievements,” says Cody Skog, owner and instructor at Atlantis Taekwondo. “None of us have been to Saskatoon and it’s a beautiful little city.”

Cody also competed, winning gold in sparring and bronze in patterns.

This was the last competition of the season for them as the taekwondo studio will be closed for the entire summer.


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