Artist rendition of the future Barriere Skatepark.

Artist rendition of the future Barriere Skatepark.

Barriere Skatepark project still need to raise $74,000

As of Oct. 29, 2019 the Barriere Skatepark Society is now an incorporated non-profit Society in the province of British Columbia. Originally the Society was known as the Barriere Skatepark Supporters Group, which was formed in the fall of 2016. Their Facebook page: Barriere Skatepark Society, shows 189 members.

As of Oct. 29, 2019 the Barriere Skatepark Society is now an incorporated non-profit Society in the province of British Columbia. Originally the Society was known as the Barriere Skatepark Supporters Group, which was formed in the fall of 2016. Their Facebook page: Barriere Skatepark Society, shows 189 members.

The Society’s mission statement is, “To create a top quality concrete skatepark in Barriere to provide a safe, versatile, all inclusive, free-to-use recreation facility, with an underlying goal of providing healthy and accessible activity options for youth in and around the community”.

The estimated cost of the project, which is being constructed in Fadear Park next to the Splash Pad and across the road from Barriere Elementary, will be $124,000.

Society president, Dustin Doherty, seems to be the main driving force behind the Skatepark, and in an interview last Tuesday noted they are still actively fundraising to bring their project to reality, with $74,000 yet to be raised.

“We have so far received $21,000 in in-kind donations, $30,000 in cash donations, and we have an active Go Fund Me page called ‘Barriere Skatepark Project’,” said Doherty.

Some of the organizations who have donated so far include; Interior Savings and Insurance, North Thompson Rent-A-Space, Barriere Park Show & Shine, E.C. Piva Contracting, the Lower North Thompson Community Forest Society, and Defiance Enterprises, just to name a few.

Doherty says, “We have an approved location, a design, a defined cost, municipal and community support, and have completed ground work on site.”

The group is also in the process of drafting a NRFP of the 6,124 sq. ft. skatepark to send out to potential builders when the time is right.

As fundraising is the major hurdle right now to get the skatepark completed, the group have been active holding fundraisers in the community. Most recently, they served up breakfast and burgers during the Thunder Alley Toy Run and Games held in Barriere during the month of August, an event that netted just under $2000 for the project.

Donations of cans and bottles can also be dropped off at the Barriere Bottle Depot any time for the “skatepark”.

Doherty says the group’s next big fundraiser will be at the Barriere Legion New Years Eve Dance where they will be offering a silent auction and 50/50 draws.

Asked what kind of time line he sees for reaching their goal of $124,000, Doherty answered, ” We are starting to look towards local business for donations, and we can provide them with a charitable tax receipt. We are also pursuing all grant opportunities that we come across. I am really confident that within the next year-and-a-half we will be finished.”

The Barriere Skatepark Society held their first AGM on Nov. 25, 2019, electing the following to their board: President Dustin Doherty, vice-president Tyler Hall Chevrefils, secretary Naomi Glenvad-Teramoto, treasurer Chelsea Young, directors Earl Celesta, Doug Teramoto, and Christopher Frezell.

For more information go to Facebook: Barriere Skatepark Society, or call 250-852-1969.

Barriere Star Journal