Blueliners defend their zone at host tournament

Nelson team captured the 21st annual Icebreaker Tournament.

The Nelson Blueliners celebrate after winning their host tournament. Top L-R: Nancy Quackenbush, Loreli Dawson, Jessie Tovey, Kathleen Dempster, Michelle Binnie, Rachel Holt, Magali Holt-Lachance, Genevieve Lachance. Bottom L-R: Marcia Urdang, Gerri Stillwell, Karen Duffy, Daiva Villa, Benje Moricz, Yannick Holt-Lachance, Nichola Lytle, Jonah and Liam.

The Nelson Blueliners celebrate after winning their host tournament. Top L-R: Nancy Quackenbush, Loreli Dawson, Jessie Tovey, Kathleen Dempster, Michelle Binnie, Rachel Holt, Magali Holt-Lachance, Genevieve Lachance. Bottom L-R: Marcia Urdang, Gerri Stillwell, Karen Duffy, Daiva Villa, Benje Moricz, Yannick Holt-Lachance, Nichola Lytle, Jonah and Liam.

The Nelson Blueliners defended home ice to win the 21st annual Icebreaker Tournament.

Nancy Quackenbush, Loreli Dawson, Kathleen Dempster, Daiva Villa and Karen Duffy each scored as the Blueliners beat the Kaslo Herricanes 5-2 for the title at the Nelson and District Community Complex.

Teams from Cranbrook, Fernie, Yakima and Castlegar also competed.

Nelson Star