Mitchell Kis-Toth is in good position coming around the first turn during his semifinal race in the six-year-old novice division at the Vancouver Island Championship series stop Sunday at the Marie Davidson BMX Park.

Mitchell Kis-Toth is in good position coming around the first turn during his semifinal race in the six-year-old novice division at the Vancouver Island Championship series stop Sunday at the Marie Davidson BMX Park.

BMXers race for Island pride

The Vancouver Island Championship series stop Sunday at the Marie Davidson BMX Park attracted 225 riders.

Mitchell Kis-Toth is in good position coming around the first turn during his semifinal race in the six-year-old novice division at the Vancouver Island Championship series stop Sunday at the Marie Davidson BMX Park.

The first race on the Island series attracted 225 riders for 46 motos of action. The Nanaimo BMX Association returns to its regular racing schedule this Sunday (May 4).

Nanaimo News Bulletin