Bocce tourney set to go - Today In BC

Bocce tourney set to go

The Italico Senior Men’s Bocce Tournament will throw its first boccini on Sept. 13 at the Trail Bocce Facility in the Gulch.

The Italico Senior Men’s Bocce Tournament will throw its first boccini on Sept. 13 at the Trail Bocce Facility in the Gulch.

The annual event invites up to 16, two-man teams to sign up by Sept. 11. The entry fee is $20-per-person that includes a shot at prizes and the always delicious Italian luncheon. Be sure to bring your plate and utensils for the afternoon feast.

Interested teams can sign up at the Bocce Facility Tuesday or Friday between 7-8 p.m. or call 368-9751 or 364-3727 to register. Games start at 9 a.m. with the draw going at 8:30 a.m.

Trail Daily Times